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@chorkmusic • 5 years ago • comments: 0
Created a new Audio File:
Old New Love


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About Us chorkmusic

Chork specialises in crafting no-nonsense rock-based blues tunes which draws heavily from his love of British Rock. Chork has been inspired by recent heart-break and due to release his self-produced debut solo single ‘Old New Love’ on 12th June 2020.

Hailing from deepest, darkest Derbyshire, singer-songwriter Charlie Gibson, aka Chork, specialises in crafting no-nonsense rock-based superlative blues tunes which draws heavily from his love of the last few decades of British rock. Coming on the heels of the time when sadness and uncertainty stalk the atmosphere with a certain pandemic taking the shine off many human activities, someone forever loyal to his guitar still has cause to forge through the pain and is due to release his self-produced debut solo single ‘Old New Love’ on 12th June 2020.

Old New Love is one crunching emotionally charged song that touches on real-life experience - a broken relationship and strangled happiness. The vibe on Old New Love is a modernised mix of rhythm with powerful hooks that carry real explosiveness and live-show grit. The smooth vocal harmonies and tremolo-like soaked-guitar tones, coupled with the occasional heavy bass drum and fast-pace beat rolling on intervals make this song a balanced, physically motivated groove anthem to roll with.

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