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@the-key-rocks4 years ago
@the-key-rocks is now following @localbandz
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The Key Rocks
About Us The Key Rocks

Solo Project The Key Rocks from Irish musician, artist, producer Kevin James Murphy. Irish born and having lived internationally for the past 26 years. Lofi focused musician with an an acoustic/Americana vibe.

The Key Rocks is a solo project from Irishman Kevin James Murphy. Born in Dublin Ireland 1971 to a musical household. Studied paino and music from a young age and then branched into recorder, guitar, clarinet and a variety of other instruments. Derailled from the music path for many years as he help down the "day job". Passions re-emerged when he started to actively support up and coming artists and bands in helping them release music. Decidied to try and record and release music from home in a LoFi, dont breat the bank approach, utilizing outlets like CD Baby to get the music distributed globally. 

During 2019 he has managed to attract over 41,900 followers on Spotify, significant international radio airplay including some key independent radio interviews across Europe and the United States. The latest single "Show me something" was selected by the Spotify editorial team to be listed on the "A Breath of fresh Eire" playlist.  

Deje Reve is the second album from The Key Rocks release May 2020

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Ryan Adams, David Gray
localbandz douglas
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