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@mista-rye7 years ago
@mista-rye is now following @localbandz
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About Us Mista-Rye

The dream never dies... In light of retrospect, years past have only ripened the quality of music created by Mista Rye. Through verses without timestamps, Mista provides visions of his experiences surviving urban life in Oakland, California. His songs embody the feelings that Everyone wants to witness, Vicariously, through listening to Rap and Hip Hop music.

Mista Rye says "My story is similar, if not the same as others within my generation. Being born to a single mother caused me to learn from my own mistakes, as well as become self taught through the observation of others around me. There is no description of my music, in my mind, that can come from me without sounding either cliché or rehearsed.

So let me just say, that I am Grateful for the life am being blessed to live And Give Testimony about, with an ever growing frame of mind."

This is real Music.

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localbandz douglas
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