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About Us ireclad

“Hey, let's play some heavy music”

This one line of chat between Jerrod and Harrison unexpectedly gave birth to a new musical project. Having both played guitar together in Patchwork Down years before, they were looking for an all heavy sound this time around. Jerrod knew Pete, a fellow metal fan, and in the spirit of good timing, a drummer. Harrison brought in Eric, the guitarist-turned-bassist with a burly vocal force that complemented Harrison’s lead vocals nicely. Things started with a couple of riffs and improvising, then gradually got tighter and more serious. Music started to take shape. And as this new thunder shook from the depths of Jerrod's basement it became clear that another space would be needed. Soon.

“Mennonite Metal Night”

Opting not to break up Jerrod's marriage, they moved into part of Harrison's barn - a perfect space apart from the laughably leaky roof. However, the Amish are damn fine roofers, and in true Amish fashion, had the rehearsal space watertight and sturdy enough to withstand our maximum decibel onslaught. We hereby name a music festival… or a show… or a song, in their honor. Or something. We just like that turn of phrase.

No longer troubled by rain indoors, the boys ramped up their song writing, and even started recording. Using an old mixing board, some decent microphones, and a little of Harrison's knob tweaking… err, mixing… they amassed an album's worth of songs in under a year. So, they threw them on the Interweb thingy for folks to feed to their ears, and now they’re ready for a world tour… in central New York.

“Iron Clad? Like the ship? No. Ireland? You play folk songs? No!
Irie Clad? You're reggae, mon? NO! ….. it's IRE CLAD !”

Like so many bands before, tons of ideas were tossed back and forth. Hundreds in fact. But we landed on Ire Clad. Imagine “wrapped in anger.” Sound pretty metal? We think so too.

ireclad Also On
Black Sabbath, COC, Tool, Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera
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