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Carrie Underwood Teams With Tickets-For-Charity.Com

Carrie Underwood teams with Tickets-for-Charity.com to raise money for her Oklahoma hometown foundation, ACM Lifting Lives www.TicketsforCharity.com/ACMLiftingLives. Underwood joins artists like Zac Brown Band,...

Congress Attacks Free Speech Online

Yesterday, the House voted to block the FCC from protecting our right to access an open Internet. If successful, the move would give phone and cable companies absolute, unrestricted power over the Internet.  In the...

Congress Voting To Kill Public Radio

Extremists in Congress are pushing for a vote in the House on Thursday to slash all funding for NPR, PBS and other public media. This is the closest they have ever come to pulling the plug on the news and cultural...

No Internet Kill Switch

A million people took to the streets of Egypt on Tuesday to protest the Mubarak regime and call for democratic reform. The Egyptian government responded, again, by cutting off Internet access and plunging the...

FCC Approves Comcast And NBC Joint Venture

The decision was handed down moments ago,1 and you should be mad as hell. The FCC just blessed the merger of Comcast, the nation's largest cable and home Internet provider, with NBC Universal. The Justice...
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Play it till your fingers bleed!

Then put a bandage on it and play it some more!

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