Alan Ross Haynes was born long, long ago on a far away planet, where he was raised by terrestrial bipeds who played country music. Alan Ross Haynes is a composer/author/ performer, recording artist, studio musician, and guitar/ vocal teacher who has written and recorded well over 100 songs. He has performed with high level performers, including David Roth, Karen Taylor-Goode, Jana Stanfield, Dick Kniss (bass player for Peter, Paul, and Mary and John Denver), Fred Bogert (grammy-nominated producer), Steve Gillette (uncountable Grammy awards), Susan Kroupa-Riley; Greg Greenway, Richard Meckdeci, Penny Nichols, Sloan Wainwright, Melissa Holland, Scott Ainslie. Vito Petrocito, Mark Dann, and many others. He has just completed his second full length CD, "Naked Demos". His first, "New Roads" , can be heard on radio stations around the world. "Naked Demos", to be sold through CD Baby, will be on sale by Sept. 2008!!. Songs from this CD are also to be included on current and future compilations by Roadshow Records. He currently has songs on 3 compilation albums on the Roadshow Records label- and they are asking for more ! His music has been featured on broadcast radio shows from New York to Massachusetts to Oklahoma to England , the Netherlands, Australia, and New Zealand. He has even been heard in Belarus. On internet radio, he is a featured artist on The Viking Radio Network in Ca. (part of the Radio Live 365 network., as well as appearing on such stations as:,, whole wheat radio, nessmp3 (Scotland),,,,,,, Maddhouz radio,, Kinda country (Australia), Radio Clandestino, Faith MP3, and others. He has been rated in the top 20 on the country charts on Idol Underground Radio on two occasions in the last 2 years! His first full length CD ("New Roads") and single releases are sold on CD Baby and are available digitally there and through I-Tunes and many others including : Audio Lunchbox,, Yahoo Music, Emusic, MusicIsHere, Bitmunk, PassAlong, Tradebit, GreatIndieMusic, PayPlay, GroupieTunes, Nexhit,, e-tunes, Verizon Music, Liquid Digital Music, and others. Alan appears in the Hudson Valley and New England area with the extremely talented and versatile musician and vocalist Melissa Holland (formerly of Holland, Thompson, and Tooch). Her witty and piercing lyrics, as well her expertise on flute and keyboards, make for a combination not to be missed in energetic, inspired performances.