Two Half Lives Don't Make One (lyric video)

Category: Music
Duration: 00:03:35
Duration: 00:03:35
Lyric video of new Resurrecturis' song, from fourth album "Nazienda, out on September 25th 2015 on Mighty Music (Denmark).
Paintings by Daniele Cudini.
Video by Eklipse Design
(Music and lyrics by Carlo Strappa)
for more information
Paintings by Daniele Cudini.
Video by Eklipse Design
(Music and lyrics by Carlo Strappa)
for more information
About Us Resurrecturis
Resurrecturis began in Italy in 1990 and has been around in some form ever since.
During the course of its history the band has released 3 full-length albums, plus demos, mcd's, ep's and has toured/played with the likes of Master, Impaled Nazarene, Vital Remains, Dismember, Macabre, etc.
On September 25 2015 Resurrecturis will release their 4th album, "Nazienda" on Danish label Mighty Music.
Evil Confronting Evil MCD (1997, Wild Rags Records, USA)
Nocturnal CD (1998, Power Records, Nederlands)
The Cuckoo Clocks Of Hell CD (2004, Mondongo Canibale Records, Spain)
Non Voglio Morire CD+DVD (2009, Casket Music, U.K.)
Nazienda CD (2015, Mighty Music, Denmark)
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