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Weesp Band - LocalBandz Featured Artist

user image 2015-11-14
By: localbandz
Posted in: featured
Weesp Band - LocalBandz Featured Artist

Weesp was formed in 2008 in Minsk by Lex (vocals), Mi (bass) and Mike (guitar). Guys were playing covers, did tons of experiment with sound and were trying to form unique style of a band.

"We wanted to be recognized by our sound right from the start", says Mi.

In 2010 Gul joined the band as permanent drummer and Stak (Mi's twin brother) took place behind the electronics. The team was complete and ready to rock. By 2015, Weesp recorded three EPs and gave quite a number of conerts in Belarus and bunch of European countries.

In August 2015 the band released their first full album The Void. It features few tracks, done in collaboration with Cory Brandan from Norma Jean, and overall the album received positive feedback from fans and reviewers. It's interesting that band did not use any samples in album recording, but instead invited other musicians to record live music. This is why you can hear, for example, saxophone in "Livan" track.

"We do it oldschool-style", admits Lex, "because we want the music to be sincere. Maybe it's the hard way, but that's how we do it".


1. https://www.localbandz.com/weespband/audio/315/04-beware-the-blind-spots

2. https://www.localbandz.com/weespband/audio/314/03-unstable-matter

3. https://www.localbandz.com/weespband/audio/313/02-solar-empire-feat-cory-brandan-of-norma-jean

4. https://www.localbandz.com/weespband/audio/312/01-livan

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