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Diablo Royale

user image 2008-10-17
By: Diablo Royale
Posted in: Press Release
Diablo Royale

PRESS "Diablo Royale is a rare diamond among rhinestones that you need to go see."
Kelly Rush, Out On The Town, March 2008

"Diablo Royale throw abandon to the wind and come out with all guns blazing on this disc sure to rule the roost at the biker bar down the block for a very long time."
Mike SOS, RoyalFlush, Jan., 28, 2008

"...the members of New York City's Diablo Royale share one common language: Gritty, hard-hitting rock and roll."
Dave Richard, Erie-Times News, Jan., 24, 2008

"If molten steel has its own sound, it will sound like Diablo Royale– probably the hardest rocking Fil-Am fronted band in Brooklyn."
Ted Reyes, PopTimes Magazine, Jan., 15, 2008

"You have to check these guys out! They are awesome!"
Tim Louie, The Aquarian, November 2007

"...So, do you need the Diablo Royale debut? The answer is yes if you want a good time with some Down 'n' Dirty Rock 'n' Roll."
Allyson Crawford, Metal Express Radio, October 2007

"...next time you find yourself in the iTunes store, and if you don’t want Britney to “give you more”, take a listen to Diablo Royale. Hilly Kristal might just smile from above."
The Debonairs, Debonair Magazine October 2007

"...the New York City-based quintet is filling those mighty big shoes with a killer debut album and a high energy concert show."
Elias Stimac from newyorkcool.com.

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Diablo Royale
About Us Diablo Royale

Gritty, Hard-Hitting Rock N’ Roll…that's the jam that NYC hard rock quintet Diablo Royale kicks out. The band's music aims to encompass "real-life" experiences and situations that can range anywhere from sexual innuendos to political satire, Choy explains: "We write about anything, nothing is off limits because there is so much that happens everyday. Be it the girlfriend, boss, parents, government or stupid stuff like getting too drunk or having a horrible day at work…those are all experiences that everyone can relate to at some point in their lives." Diablo Royale came into being when drummer Mike Sankari along with guitarists Eric Choy and Gerard Steixner got together from the ashes of their previous bands, to create a group that would encompass their idea of what rock n' roll should sound like. They began writing and auditioning musicians for over a year when they finally met singer Adrian Barrios and bassist Jason "Sweet Leaf" through an ad posted on the internet. With the lineup complete the five hunkered down in a basement studio in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (appropriately named "The Sweatshop") and crafted their first ten songs until they were ready for wax on their self-titled debut, released in February 2007. Taking their influences from the heavier bands ranging from Alice in Chains to Zeppelin, the final result can be best described as a bombastic sonic assault on the ears that is sure to knock you into next week! In a short amount of time the band has managed to cut their teeth in the local clubs of New York City while also extended their reach as far as the Midwest. Bassist Jason Leaf sums it up perfectly, "We're looking to infect the masses with our brand of rock n' roll!" Read More at http://www.diabloroyale.net/story.shtml

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